Method & models
Strong brands are based on one primal character, an archetype. We developed the BrandPositioner© model in order to help in determining what archetype your brand is. A clear brand positioning from one of these archetypes strengthens recognizability of and trust in the brand, because people are unconsciously familiar with it.
Want to delve deeper into Positioning? Marc van Eck wrote a book about this subject in Dutch: ‘Karaktervolle Positionering’. We also offer workshops and masterclasses to share our latest (practical) insights (in English)


OGSM; 1-page Business Strategy
OGSM stands for Objective, Goals, Strategies and Measures. It is a 1-page (business) plan. At a glance the business plan itself is clear and is able to connect different elements. The OGSM methodology translates the objective into strategies and strategies into actions. This makes it a powerful means to make choices and safeguard focus and progress. On top of that, it is the perfect tool for communicating AND cascading the business strategy towards all employees. The OGSM is an overall picture of the desired and actionable future. At the same time, it makes clear how different strategies and teams work together. The methodology is used in many Fortune 500 companies f.e. Procter & Gamble, Coca Cola and Mars; from the Board of Directors to local departments. Especially the process behind this methodology. i.e. discussing, confronting and challenging the teams is important for the successful implementation of this technique. New Growth Strategies have years of experience in this and support the process as well as the content.
The OGSM starts out with a clear formulation of the qualitative ambition, the Objective. In 1 sentence we capture where the organization wants to be after a certain period. This is a crucial step in creating the interconnection with the market and the market positioning. Since all next steps will follow the direction as set in the Objective, it is important that the team agrees on an Objective with concrete and clear wordings.
Subsequently the (qualitative) Objective is translated in quantitative Goals. Based on these goals, the teams can ultimately evaluate whether the desired results are achieved. When the Goals are met, the Objective is achieved.
The Objective and Goals decide WHAT will be achieved. The Strategies and Measures describe HOW the team will meet the Objective.
The team develops Strategies that are expected to realize the Objective. In other words which journey do we choose to arrive at our destination? It is important to have knowledge and experience of what works and what doesn’t. And next to that it is important to really make choices; history tells us that it is better to do a few things thoroughly than do a lot of things to some extent.
Finally, the strategies are translated inconcrete activities (Measures) and the team determines who will carry out the activities, and when. The SMARTER the activity, the bigger the chance that it will be done.
For the people in the organization, 1 page tells them the overall picture of the desired and actionable future. At the same time, it is clear how the different strategies and teams work together.
We have written a book on OGSM in Dutch which has been on the best seller list for 5 years now. Because of its success, the book is translated into English, Greek, Chinese and Taiwanese. You can order the book in English below. Or download the workable OGSM PowerPoint template here.
Internal Branding fasemodel©
Based on years of experience with Internal Branding, we have developed the Internal Branding phase model©. This model is based on insights on involvement of people and can therefore easily be implemented. The phases have been developed in such a way that the chance of participation is maximized.
Bringing a brand to life and anchoring it into an organization consists of our phases: explaining, embedding, experiencing and anchoring. The preceding phase is the determination of the brand compass.